This is your page for information regarding all trash related items and recycling. Regardless of whether you are a commercial business or residential structure, your answers should be found below.
For billing related questions for both residential and commercial accounts, call Connellsville Municipal Authority: 724-626-1950
For residential missed pickup, trash & recycling, call County Hauling: 724-929-7694
For commercial units missed pickup, trash & recycling, 4 or more apartments without a dumpster, call County Hauling: 724-929-7694
For commercial dumpsters missed pickup, call Republic Services: 800-299-4898
For both residential and commercial customer service issues, call City Hall: 724-628-2020 ext. 201
Please note: When you contact the hauler concerning missed pickup, make note of when you contacted the hauler, who you spoke with and what they stated. Employees at City Hall will need that information to further assist you.
Residential customers and commercial units (4 or more apartments without a dumpster):
Use the calendar below to see which days your trash, recycling and bulk items will be picked up.

Below is information for residential customers:

Below is information for commercial customers:

This is for residential customers and apartments that have 4 or more units and NO dumpster.
Below is the "Bulk Item" fee schedule.
Residents are permitted 1 free bulk item each month.
If you have more than your one free bulk item, you will need to purchase a sticker to place on all other bulk items.
Stickers can be purchased at the Connellsville Municipal Authority (724-626-1950) and City Hall (724-628-2020 x 201)
Bulk items will only be picked up on the date listed on the calendar at the top of this page.
Bulk items are picked up by County Hauling: 724-929-7694

Vacant units will need to submit a letter to the Connellsville Municipal Authority to suspend garbage. All landlords must pick up a Tenant Service Form from the Connellsville Municipal Authority to update your records for correct billing.
Connellsville Municipal Authority:
Open Monday through Friday, 7 AM - 11 AM and 12 Noon - 3 PM
Closed most holidays
Connellsville City Hall Administrative Office:
Open Monday through Friday, 8 AM - 5 PM
Closed most holidays