Health / Zoning / Code Office for the City of Connellsville
Tom Currey, Monday - Friday from 9 AM - 5 PM, 724-628-2020 ext. 207
Councilman Bill Addis, Director of Health and Public Safety

Tom Currey, Health/Zoning/Code Officer
Meeting: 4th Monday at 6 PM
Tom Currey, Health/Code/Zoning Officer
David McIntire, 01/25
Dale Cadwallader, 04/01/29
Richard Tiberio, 04/27
Beverly Cuneo, 04/01/26
Councilman Bill Addis
Emily Nichelson, Secretary
Zoning Hearing Board
Meeting: As needed
1/2028, Shawn Michael Pilla
1/2025, John Lypson
1/2026, Kara Addis
1/2026, Carl Ritenour
1/2027, Randy Strickler
1/2024, vacant
Pam Rose, Stenographer
Animal snippets
please do not place food out for stray animals.....thank you!!!!!!!!!_____________